
Showing posts from August, 2010

Branches of Government

Sounds like Dems need a quick recap in the branches of government in the United States. The reason you have three is for a series of checks and balances so one can't run rough-shot over the others. Seems Obama is not a fan. He wants to challenge the Supreme Court on a ruling that allows corporations to participate in donations with parties without full disclosure. Funny thing is DEMS are in an uproar, but UNION donations are handled entirely the same way, and they have no issues with that. Maybe Obama should stop trying to distract the nation from his failed leadership, and just ride it out. Obama has done probably the most in the least amount of time of any recent president. However whether his actions are good or bad for the nation will not be known till around 2014 when his full costs come into effect. So to close, branches of government exist for a reason and it isn't to push socialist objectives. (i.e...unions can but business cant) Article

Social Security

So Obama is upset because Republicans are pushing to privatize social security. That is quite possibly the only thing that could save SS, before falling off the map all together. But Democrats are upset, want to know why? Because for decades social security has been a government slush fund. The money is pulled in from every legitimate working citizen and then spent for whatever the government would like. This method worked fine when the public fund was bringing in more money than it had to shell out, but now the tables have turned. So unless you want to remove benefits, increase age or tax the ever-loving hell out of the rest of America, the only hope is privatization where quite possible, social security could profit. The big fear factor dems push to is the recent debacle in the stock market. Well too bad, had government policies not wrecked the business world with ridiculous "status quo" elements, the 'fall of the market' wouldn't have been so substantial. But t...