Catastrophic oil spill in the gulf...but there is no oil?
USA Today Article Amazing, no really I'm not being sarcastic. After 90 straight days of spewing oil and gas into the Gulf of Mexico a mile under water, there is little coming to the surface. According to people who aren't enviro-nazis, the dispersant used have aided considerably in the breakdown of the leaked oil. Turns out it is degrading and dispersing faster than expected. Which makes me wonder, where is the doomsday scenario? I thought we were going to see vast amounts of wildlife death, ending of families, destruction of businesses and so on? Thus far, only 30% of the Gulf fishing area was closed for any period of time, there are no catastrophic oil covered beaches and there hasn't been an overwhelming abundance of dead wildlife. Before I get labeled as a "redneck" I'd say that obviously the oil leak was a tragedy, should and could have been avoided, BP should have had a backup plan and the Government should have had regulation and preparations for such a...