Altering your life to 'save' the environment.
Climate change, once known as 'the greenhouse effect' or 'global warming' is a big topic now. I remember it becoming a relevant when I was in middle school (circa 1990), when we were shown a bench made entirely of recycled plastic. To me then, and now, that made sense. Something simple that used recycled products in a smart way. I'm all for alternative power sources be they solar, wind, water or what have you. I'm all for water barrels, composting, using fabric bags for your groceries instead of paper and plastic. I support recycling aluminum, glass, plastic and paper. And I'd also advocate loudly for not wasting water or power, shutting your lights off and TVs off when you don't need them, not running your washer or dryer unless it is full and using the dishwasher the same way.
What I'm not in favor of when it comes to climate legislation or 'public opinion' is drastically altering, and in most cases diminishing, the human life experience as it exists today for the sake of a mythical climate agenda. Humans are constantly overwhelmed with their sense of self-importance, as if they really wield enough power to 'change' the climate of a planet. This is the same species that can't cap an oil leak, get parts to a decades old space station, square human rights on the planet, avoid wars or even not murder each other in a single hour. The fact is the planet is changing, as it has done for the entire interpreted history of the planet. There has never been and will never be a 'baseline' for a planet. There are too many variables, and while we should do what we can to not destroy where we are for the sake of our own lives, we should not put our livelihood or life in peril with hyper-environmental movements. I have yet to see one 'public' climate change individual turn down the all mighty dollar for sake of the planet, nor have I seen any more local individuals change their entire life for the sake of the planet. Until the climate-change uber fans put their personal actions where their collective mouths are, I'll stick with my recycling bin, water barrel and composting bins and continue to monitor my power/water use. Other than that, the planet will be fine.
What I'm not in favor of when it comes to climate legislation or 'public opinion' is drastically altering, and in most cases diminishing, the human life experience as it exists today for the sake of a mythical climate agenda. Humans are constantly overwhelmed with their sense of self-importance, as if they really wield enough power to 'change' the climate of a planet. This is the same species that can't cap an oil leak, get parts to a decades old space station, square human rights on the planet, avoid wars or even not murder each other in a single hour. The fact is the planet is changing, as it has done for the entire interpreted history of the planet. There has never been and will never be a 'baseline' for a planet. There are too many variables, and while we should do what we can to not destroy where we are for the sake of our own lives, we should not put our livelihood or life in peril with hyper-environmental movements. I have yet to see one 'public' climate change individual turn down the all mighty dollar for sake of the planet, nor have I seen any more local individuals change their entire life for the sake of the planet. Until the climate-change uber fans put their personal actions where their collective mouths are, I'll stick with my recycling bin, water barrel and composting bins and continue to monitor my power/water use. Other than that, the planet will be fine.
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