
Showing posts from May, 2011

Kids need year-round schooling.

I couldn't agree more with LZ Granderson in his latest write up on schooling. In his article he discusses the origin of 'summer vacation' and how the average US student loses a months worth of education every year; which helps them to rank poorly in every testing procedure done globally. More interesting to note was how American students perceive their own capabilities; believing that they are somehow superior when their work is less than standard in nearly every other country with near United States status. American kids are lazy, as a mass and testing shows this. While you do have your shinning stars the bulk of this galaxy is dying orbs. We really need to re-evaluate our priorities as a nation. If we plan to stay 'superior' we need to act that way and set the standards, not wait for others to show us the way. We have become too fat and happy, to willing to let the other nations do our bidding. This will bite us in the rear as time goes on. We must lead. We must ...

Mother's Day

Well it is that time in May again where the commercial sector tries to profit from a husband and children's love for their Mother. What a wonderful world to live in. Mom's all around today are opening cards, receiving flowers and in some cases expensive jewels for their general role in society and family. In many cases these exceptional women deserve continued admiration for the things they do on a daily basis; it is no small feet to be a true Mom in the world today. In the case of my own experiences, my wife works 7 days a week and busts her rear to get things done..and that is just at work, before she focuses on the family. The rest of her time is made up of a complex conundrum of activities, maintenance and day-care (for both the kids and myself). She truly deserves to be respected for her role. However, this isn't always the case in America. Many so called Moms are nothing more than birthing orifices doing nothing more than getting impregnated by some random sperm machi...


Really, we're asking the Pentagon to apologize for using the call sign GERONIMO for the operation to kill Bin Laden? This is absurd. No, you aren't getting an apology for a code name. Stop pretending it offended you and stop wasting peoples time for the sake of complaining. DUMB

Obama doesn't want to surrender to SEAL team

Apparently CNN was ahead of the curve, wait, no, they were just brainwashed in Obama much so they accidentally substituted his name for Osama...oops.