Kids need year-round schooling.
I couldn't agree more with LZ Granderson in his latest write up on schooling. In his article he discusses the origin of 'summer vacation' and how the average US student loses a months worth of education every year; which helps them to rank poorly in every testing procedure done globally. More interesting to note was how American students perceive their own capabilities; believing that they are somehow superior when their work is less than standard in nearly every other country with near United States status.
American kids are lazy, as a mass and testing shows this. While you do have your shinning stars the bulk of this galaxy is dying orbs. We really need to re-evaluate our priorities as a nation. If we plan to stay 'superior' we need to act that way and set the standards, not wait for others to show us the way. We have become too fat and happy, to willing to let the other nations do our bidding. This will bite us in the rear as time goes on. We must lead. We must set the table and take the role and responsibility as the driving force in the world. This will require changing the way we view our personal responsibility and they way in which we view what it means to BE and AMERICAN.
American kids are lazy, as a mass and testing shows this. While you do have your shinning stars the bulk of this galaxy is dying orbs. We really need to re-evaluate our priorities as a nation. If we plan to stay 'superior' we need to act that way and set the standards, not wait for others to show us the way. We have become too fat and happy, to willing to let the other nations do our bidding. This will bite us in the rear as time goes on. We must lead. We must set the table and take the role and responsibility as the driving force in the world. This will require changing the way we view our personal responsibility and they way in which we view what it means to BE and AMERICAN.
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