Discovery Channel accused of being "Insensitive" for having #SharkWeek with N.C. attacks.

Attorney Mike McKinnley, a lawyer representing Jasmine Casine a recent shark attack victim in North Carolina, has threatened to sue the Discovery Channel for being "Irrationally insensitivity given the current events" and that if the Discovery Channel doesn't end the programming he will lead a Class Action Lawsuit as well as organizing a boycott.

CEO John Adams was quoted as saying "this seems absurd, I mean SharkWeek has become an icon in the programming line up and, seriously, none of our sharks were even filmed off of N.C, so we're pretty sure they didn't hurt anyone". With the plethora of tagging going on and the accountability of the sharks it would seem as though Mr. Adams sits on firm ground, however, Mr. McKinnley doesn't see it that way:

"Ya know what, if John had taken the time to watch the reality movie Jaws, based on obviously real and accurate accounts, he would understand the people are routinely attacked by sharks. In fact, in most cases sharks hunt specific people and boats, sometimes taking down family Labradors. The only way to kill these creatures is with air tanks and M1 rifles - so unless the Discovery Channel would like to field these to all N.C. beaches, he should consider this a Lawsuit of the Century"

Shark Expert Hooper Quint said that the "likelihood of a shark attacking someone on camera is remote at best. Heck we've sat on decoys hoping to get hit, and nothing. These sharks are actually, kinda assholes."

Regardless of expert advice, Mr. McKinnley is moving forward and the Discovery Channel has 24 hours to respond.


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