Props to POTUS

Well even a broken watch is right twice a day, and so was Obama after all with Libya. It seems the non-use of ground troops (which I agreed with) and GOP officials buttressed by DoD disagreed with, was the right way to go. Though it could hardly be called a no-fly zone effort, since NATO routinely bombed convoys of troops not aircraft, and it was lead by the French, it proved a very successful way to increase the odds of one side in a Civil War. Now you can debate back and forth the legitimacy of a win when you had overwhelming force on your side, but the Rebels are now in charge and Libya will see a new chapter in their history opened after 42 years. Whether that chapter is a good one or bad one remains to be seen. To all of those that would say "well the US forced regime change" the same could have been argued by many European nations a few centuries ago, circa 1776; when without the aid of the French, the 'rebels' in the colonies would have lost to England and the Crown. So the legitimacy of an argument against nations help in a Civil War from a US Citizen is a little hypocritical. The fact of the matter here is that Obama got this right, or his administration did. So he must get all the accolades that go with a successful campaign, the close of the War in Iraq however is not his doing. President Bush signed an agreement in 2008 with the Iraqi government to pull all US troops out of Iraq by Dec 31 2011, now that the date rolls around the Obama administration takes advantage claiming it was their efforts that closed the war. Well, sadly, this is how the game is played. The one in charge gets to claim the victory even if it occurred by them simply doing 'nothing'. It will be interesting to see how history paints this picture in 50 years. Will Bush go down overall as being a successful War President but a poor Economic one (a 180 degree difference from Pres. Clinton who was great with the Economy but ushered in Terrorism on the USA) ? What Obamas' legacy will be is still up for grabs. The economy is destroyed, unemployment and debt are at record levels, the stock market is a complete mess, we haven't moved any further to energy policy and the healthcare law which was his crown jewel, has fallen apart. In the end, I believe Obama will go down as a 'nothing really accomplished but being black" President. He has no real policy to point to as a great movement, the Libyan uprising will most likely have Obama as a footnote and the nation hasn't been this divided since the 1960's. But to some up, Obama got Libya right. Obama deserves credit for this and hopefully the GOP folks and die-hard righties will understand that everyone gets it right at some point.


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