How to not be shot by a Cop - LISTEN TO THE ORDERS YOU'RE BEING GIVEN!
If you actually believe that white cops are just randomly shooting black people. Open your damn eyes. If you believe that is true, really, then what you ultimately believe is blacks don't understand English and whites do. Try this on for size: Here we go again. Let's first consider the facts: 1) Brisbon was called in as a drug dealer in a black SUV 2) The SUV was registered to an address that had a current "loud noise" complaint 3) Police approach SUV, driver gets out and goes to the rear of the SUV 4) Police ask Brisbon to put his hand up, he puts them in his waist band (FIRST F__ING FLAW) 5) Police approach, he runs (SECOND F___ING FLAW) 6) Police catch up to him going into apartment, he reaches into his pocked (THIRD F___ING FLAW) 7) Police order him to then keep his hands were they were, he removes them (FOURTH F___ING FLAW) 8) Police officer grabs hand of Brisbon while in pocket "thinks he feels a gun handle" 9) Brisbon gets out of ...