Break the law, expect the cop to be indited...again.
Once again the less educated are in an uproar over a perceived injustice. This time, NY City where a man selling cigarettes illegally refused to comply with Police orders. When asked to get down, he doesn't, so the Officer is forced to take him down by force. In that, the man dies. Anyone saying the "Choke hold killed him" apparently just refuses to see the man is horribly over-weight and had health issues before. The man dies, tragic in its own right but the mans actions played more than a small part in the outcome. That doesn't matter to the mindless masses. All they see is color. They don't see facts. They are a modern day lynch-mob that assumes scaring people (you know the actual working citizens of America) will make them comply with their simple minded view - no authority total anarchy. I'm glad the scales of justice aren't biased by this crowd-source justice mentality.
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