Political Process in the US

The political process in the United States, with complete compliance of the media, uses humans/citizens like cattle. Simple creatures to be pushed to the right pen. The more I read by liberal progressive rags like The Washington Post, or CNN, the more I see how much these types of franchises really do hate Americans. They are against any form of individuality that doesn't fit a minority-style social-justice description, they clearly can't stand the Constitution of the United States, nor the Country's clear purpose. I suppose this is what America has become, as Thomas Jefferson believed, an unsustainable force. I fear that one day we will look back and wonder how something so special went so wrong. I offer it happens when social imperatives over come common sense; when votes matter more than the People and a system seems so jaded and corrupt that hope can only be found in a rich mogul who has never held office. I will attempt to keep an open mind but I simply cannot find a single 'news' outlet that hasn't turned America into a "whoa is me", "my feelings are more important than the future".

Just another example here of the media treating nearly 350,000 citizens like a product, in an blatant attempt to dismiss the clear will of the people.


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