Why ACORN should worry everyone.
Any corporation of good size has corruption. It is inevitable, on one level or another. This is because whenever you put large groups together under the guise of a common cause, for PROFIT, you will have issues. There is no corporation or government organization in the United States of America that doesn't have some level of corruption somewhere within the organization. Now does that mean you wreck the 'system' or 'corporation' to rid the 15% or less that could be problematic, of course not. But you do remove the issues when you find them and make adjustments to, at least, attempt to remove the possibility in the future.
Now when FOXNews runs over 300 stories talking about ACORN corruption, this is misleading as it would lead you to believe the entire entity was problematic (ENRON-esque). When any logical person would conclude "there are bad apples in every bunch". What should enrage individuals/citizens is the fact that most news agencies (or groups calling themselves news agencies) refuse to run both side of the argument because of political ties. Which is insane and why the 1st Amendment was written. It should drive you insane that millions of tax dollars are and have gone to help ACORN.
Lets break it down: if you found out that the government was funneling millions and millions of dollars to Ken Lay in early 2000 and nobody was investigating anything even after leaks had shown a possible issue, would you be upset?
Of course, now that I write this I wonder. As most, at least as broadcast on many 'news' sites, didn't seem to mind TARP under George Bush. Now in the long run Bush was right with TARP as it has reportedly given back 1-4 billion in revenue based on interest payments from banks to the US government. The question is though, is this what taxes are for? Supporting entities or are tax dollars for running the government. It is an honest question and when many would gray the line, income tax dollars were not intended in 1913 to emend social injustices but to create a treasury line. In 1790 when the United States of Americas citizens gave the government the ability to levy taxes via Congress, it was not intended to "equalize" the populace. That is the key and essential problem when tax dollars are used to support ANY public equalizer.
Anyhow, thoughts for now..more later....
Now when FOXNews runs over 300 stories talking about ACORN corruption, this is misleading as it would lead you to believe the entire entity was problematic (ENRON-esque). When any logical person would conclude "there are bad apples in every bunch". What should enrage individuals/citizens is the fact that most news agencies (or groups calling themselves news agencies) refuse to run both side of the argument because of political ties. Which is insane and why the 1st Amendment was written. It should drive you insane that millions of tax dollars are and have gone to help ACORN.
Lets break it down: if you found out that the government was funneling millions and millions of dollars to Ken Lay in early 2000 and nobody was investigating anything even after leaks had shown a possible issue, would you be upset?
Of course, now that I write this I wonder. As most, at least as broadcast on many 'news' sites, didn't seem to mind TARP under George Bush. Now in the long run Bush was right with TARP as it has reportedly given back 1-4 billion in revenue based on interest payments from banks to the US government. The question is though, is this what taxes are for? Supporting entities or are tax dollars for running the government. It is an honest question and when many would gray the line, income tax dollars were not intended in 1913 to emend social injustices but to create a treasury line. In 1790 when the United States of Americas citizens gave the government the ability to levy taxes via Congress, it was not intended to "equalize" the populace. That is the key and essential problem when tax dollars are used to support ANY public equalizer.
Anyhow, thoughts for now..more later....
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