What are you teaching your children, Trump protesters?

Since November 8th 2016 Americans throughout the Country have been engaging in some of the most absurd and disgusting activities imaginable. Instead of embracing a Nation they profess to love too much to leave, they have throw an adult temper-tantrum. Sixty million people elected Trump, 60 million did not - like most elections the separation of winner and lose was divided by a minimal number of Electoral votes. As a result, a few hundred thousand Americans have decided to make America look like any common third-world Country, minus dirt.

What these "protesters" are protesting remains unknown, is it America? Other people's rights to Vote? Nobody is quite sure. The process worked as laid out in the US Constitution, and the results were unquestioned - unlike 2000 Bush v. Gore. Yet, we see an absurd amount of outlandish presentations by the media (see Saturday Night Live or any opinion piece written in the Washington Post), and by American citizens. President-Elect Trump has yet to make a single policy and he is being raked through liberal coals as if he has been in charger for 3 years. What is more disturbing is the complete disregard for 60,000,000 plus people that voted against Hillary. The media and Hollywood continue, almost blindly, to stick the the road and script that caused a massive change in American politics. They seemingly do not understand that Trump was not elected because of policy, racism or any other ism, he was elected because a politically correct and intrusive environment has been in creation for over 7 years. Americans have routinely been told they weren't doing something right, blamed, made to feel secondary to the World in a Nation they pay for and support. An entire embodiment of taxpayer was all but ignored, and made to feel too sub-standard to even debate. Then election night came and you saw first hand why America is great.

America allows citizens, those who seem disenfranchised (white working class) the opportunity to push back on a liberal-progressive Government driven by pop-culture opinion blogs. And it worked. America now must consider why and what happens next, but protesting an outcome, that is embarrassing.

For the youth, those children old enough to understand what is going on but not out of high school (not the pathetic 20-30 year old's crying) we look ridiculous. We are showing them that when you lose something, cry, complain, mock the winner. We honestly create a complete environment where bullying is entirely alright, if leftist-pop-culture agrees. America needs to stop this, and act as adults.


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