Stop getting involved

Obama is to unleash another costly and useless program geared towards the few but paid for by the many. Apparently he doesn't understand that in economics things need to run their course. This constant interjection is more damaging than helpful and time has proven that. Now the administration is running around debating what type of "small business" deals they can cut in order to not bleed out in 2010 elections, and even worse the 2012 election.

This lack of cohesion with the populace could be most obviously highlighted by the exit of combat troops from Iraq after 7 years having very little 'air' time. This administration has played favorites with its economic plans and as a direct result caused huge upheavals and turmoil within all aspect of economic America.

Unemployment rates continue, continue, to push upward. And the smoke-screen of success in employment, done via hiring temporary people to work the US Census, was easily lifted by a perpetual increase in the loss of jobs. The fact of the matter is that continued muddling with rules and guidelines only confuses things at a very fragile time. Rules and guidance were needed after the debacle of 2006/7/8. Everyone agreed that changes and transparency were needed. But, in usual governmental fashion, too many hands got in the mix, too many special agendas were listened to and the overall goal was lost. The majority of people who received administration sponsored mortgages have fallen apart. The follow on project to "help" another 500K mortgages will undoubtably go the same way.

Clamoring to the worst situations in an effort to help the overall, never works. Instead of using tax money to help the worst case scenarios, the administration should have been focusing on assist the upper-middle class which found itself in the unique position of being battered yet receiving no assistance until the battering destroyed the ship. It is similar to the difference between Missouri and Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina (900 people died in LA, 450 died in MO) and the way the two states were handled.

American needs an administration that sets an objective and works toward that objective regardless of opinion. Currently selected voices are constantly chattering in the Administration's ear. The results have been devastating. To spite the vast spending increased, much larger per dollar than anything that has ever happened before, have yielded no positive results, in fact, negative results have continued.

America needs a change, now more than ever. It is a special time in US history when you have uber-conservatives agreeing with ultra-liberals on approval ratings of the administration, even though it is for different reasons. Reminds me of the line; enemy of my enemy is my friend. Seems fitting.

There is rumor that "something" will happen in October involving the administration or one of its arms to sway voters for November. My guess, with the new NAACP "website" keeping its ever vigil (yes that is a pun) eye on all things racist will find some "huge" racial item within the Tea Party in a hope to derail the enormous momentum. No matter what, the facts remain. This administration has done a lot in two years, however very little of it has been beneficial to America, its only customer.


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