Fix debt with a 15 cents gas tax addition

One of the pitches out of Congress following the failed "Debt Commission", was increasing the Federal gas tax from 18 cents to 33 cents (nearly doubling it) , an increase of 15 cents per gallon. Add that to the state average gas tax of around 22 cents, that equals 55 cents in just tax, JUST TAX. At the same time the Country is reeling from debt, loss of income, drop of the dollars value and no housing equity, throw in the insane legislative Eco-Nazi push for fuel efficiency and electric vehicles. How exactly is this in any way a long term debt solution for anything? What this is, is a ploy. It is an attack on the consumer on a few fronts; taxation of course for the pure benefit of being able to spend it and by the Eco-Party who isn't content with the gradual movement to fuel efficiency in America, even though more cars now than in history are fuel efficient. If they can get you to accept a 45% increase, then the next time when they ask for 40% it isn't going to seem so bad.

Be very careful of taxes like this, they are taxes on something that is a necessity to today's life. This is as simple as a tax on food, which is always deemed "a no". Keep it in mind America.


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