
Showing posts from September, 2011

Vick in Atlanta this Sunday night, how quickly we forget.

Back in 2007 Michael Vick was accused of running a dog fighting ring, when the accusations came out the owner of the Atlanta Falcons (at that point Vick's employer) asked Michael for a private meeting. During that meeting Arthur Blank, the Falcons owner, asked Michael personally "are you guilty of these charges?", Michael's response "no sir". As time would eventually tell, Michael lied, he lied directly to the face of the organization and essentially his boss. Now, 4 years later, Michael Vick returns to Atlanta as the starter of the Philadelphia Eagles. With the history lesson over, I can't believe the latest comments by Dan Reeves (one time coach and originator of the Vick pick for Atlanta). Reeves came out on the NFL network a day ago and claimed that "Atlanta turned its back on Vick", really..really, are you nuts Dan? What exactly would you want Arthur Blank to do, back a guy who lied to his face and made him look like an asshole? Is that ...

"Pass Jobs Bill Now" - Obama

President Obama gave a speech the other night in which he routinely said to Congress, essentially Republicans, 'pass the jobs bill'...well that would be wonderful, if there was one. The President acted as if he had given Congress a plan and they weren't acting, he hasn't provided a thing to Congress..but a speech. For some reason instead of focusing on cutting tax loopholes and fixing the tax code, which everyone in congress is behind, he insists on pushing for spending. It is ridiculous. Does he want America in a constant state of Limbo; it sure feels like it. The Presidents spending plan has gone from 300B to 450B in less than a week, just imagine how high it goes by the time he actually puts pen to paper. It would be great if the President would stop posturing and just do his job. If he would simply re-write the tax code to a flat-tax system, removing income tax and establishing an "everyone pays" mentality, he could literally save a second term. It wou...

Business wins every time.

Big Oil came in where politicians have let America down. Since we cry daily about jobs and revenues, the oil firms presented a plan to America, a plan that could save America. If given the ability to use Americas resources oil quoted the following: the industry says it could deliver 1.4 million new jobs, boost tax rolls by $800 billion, and increase domestic energy production almost 50%. Not only the obvious benefits to the American economy but also Big Oil promised benefits to security, "Under that scenario, the country could be producing 15.4 million barrels of oil a day -- not far from the 19 million barrels it currently consumes.Natural gas production would rise by 30%"; pretty impressive. It would be wonderful for America if politicians put the bullshit aside and actually did what helps America and stopped bowing to minority opinions on the environment and lunatic constituents with money.

How much POTUS....

Obama's new job proposal, which we find out about tonight, started off around 300B now it is already rumored to be over 400B. Where are we getting the money? Why is it that we can't find money to help out good borrowers, schools, homeless or FEMA, but we can find BILLIONS to push through for political reasons? Does anyone question this?

POTUS needs to take his own advice.

Today POTUS rambled on in a campaign speech, labeled a jobs speech, to tell labor union leaders in Detroit that the Republicans had to put party politics aside and do what is right for America; but what Obama feels is 'right' for America is more debt and more spending. He actually offered up more spending on infrastructure while cutting taxes, how does that work? Oh, that's right, it adds debt. Apparently for POTUS 15T in debt isn't enough. Obama needs to listen to his own words and cut his constant party gibberish. This constant Liberal thinking, this Progressive non-sense of simply spending forever at the cost of America needs to END. What POTUS misses is that this is not the GOP fighting him, it is America fighting him. Setting up campaign speeches on Americas dime while talking to your labor union friends is not what is best for America.

Getting back to the basics.

Over the last few years of watching the economy tank and people generally get in a bad mood when it comes to money matters (at least those that are responsible), I decided to look around and see what I didn't need. I found out, as I examined my life from a financial position, I was carrying a lot of 'stuff' around I know longer needed. I walked through the basement and found out that after three house moves I was holding on to things I'd collected that I really no longer needed, nor cared about. With reality finally clear on what I needed and what I didn't, I began selling stuff; either on eBay or Craigslist and in some cases just giving it away. I ended up making thousands of dollars, it was amazing, and cleared up a lot of extra space both in the house and in my family's life. Now it isn't as if I sold off stuff I needed or relied upon, it was simply things I'd gathered over time; ladders, accessories, electronics, etc. And in some cases it was hob...

CNN "Opinion" people are some of the most arrogant and elementary folks around.

I try to read most reputable news groups opinions sections, even if I disagree, simply to be educated enough to know when they aren't; however recently some CNN folks have really driven me crazy. For starters, this Tea Party stuff and CNN opinion folks apparent need to ridicule and "name call" anyone they assume is a "Tea Partier" makes me sick. It is as if they think they are high and mighty, beyond repute and can say whatever they want, no matter how asinine it is. They also feel a need to mock Christianity, though not Islam, mock heterosexuals at all costs and by default comment in a negative way against anyone with a "R" in their title, regardless of topic. Some things done by "Tea Partiers" and Republicans are obviously worth discussion, however the constant downgrade to an elementary school level argument is disgusting. If you've ever watched the FIVE on Fox News you've seen the difference between Conservative mocking and Libe...