"Pass Jobs Bill Now" - Obama

President Obama gave a speech the other night in which he routinely said to Congress, essentially Republicans, 'pass the jobs bill'...well that would be wonderful, if there was one. The President acted as if he had given Congress a plan and they weren't acting, he hasn't provided a thing to Congress..but a speech.

For some reason instead of focusing on cutting tax loopholes and fixing the tax code, which everyone in congress is behind, he insists on pushing for spending. It is ridiculous. Does he want America in a constant state of Limbo; it sure feels like it.

The Presidents spending plan has gone from 300B to 450B in less than a week, just imagine how high it goes by the time he actually puts pen to paper. It would be great if the President would stop posturing and just do his job. If he would simply re-write the tax code to a flat-tax system, removing income tax and establishing an "everyone pays" mentality, he could literally save a second term. It would be hard for me, as a Libertarian, to argue against any proposition that just removed federal tax code for a flat-tax system where all parties paid the exact same percentage. Nothing if more 'fair' than that. We shouldn't punish you for owning a business, or running one, you should pay a standard amount of tax, simple as that. Let States decide how to tax a business, and allow competition at that point between the States over who would get the business (see Texas vs California).

Initial steps forward are easy, we just need to take them.


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