CNN "Opinion" people are some of the most arrogant and elementary folks around.

I try to read most reputable news groups opinions sections, even if I disagree, simply to be educated enough to know when they aren't; however recently some CNN folks have really driven me crazy.

For starters, this Tea Party stuff and CNN opinion folks apparent need to ridicule and "name call" anyone they assume is a "Tea Partier" makes me sick. It is as if they think they are high and mighty, beyond repute and can say whatever they want, no matter how asinine it is. They also feel a need to mock Christianity, though not Islam, mock heterosexuals at all costs and by default comment in a negative way against anyone with a "R" in their title, regardless of topic. Some things done by "Tea Partiers" and Republicans are obviously worth discussion, however the constant downgrade to an elementary school level argument is disgusting. If you've ever watched the FIVE on Fox News you've seen the difference between Conservative mocking and Liberal mocking. Conservatives mock, a lot, however it is nearly always in regard to a policy or procedure; Liberal jabs are far more personal with utter disregard for policy or topic.

Two of the latest contestants on the "mock em if you've got 'em" list are James Moore and LZ Granderson; the latter is a shame because I really use to enjoy most of his opinion items on society. If you read the linked articles you'll see disregard for reality in the sake of name calling. It is really sad; the point is lost for all the childish discussion.

I really wish opinion folks, on both sides, would judge the actual actions of folks and not the perceptions they'd like to label them with. America, I'd argue, is more tired of Opinion non-sense then political non-sense.


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