POTUS needs to take his own advice.
Today POTUS rambled on in a campaign speech, labeled a jobs speech, to tell labor union leaders in Detroit that the Republicans had to put party politics aside and do what is right for America; but what Obama feels is 'right' for America is more debt and more spending. He actually offered up more spending on infrastructure while cutting taxes, how does that work? Oh, that's right, it adds debt. Apparently for POTUS 15T in debt isn't enough.
Obama needs to listen to his own words and cut his constant party gibberish. This constant Liberal thinking, this Progressive non-sense of simply spending forever at the cost of America needs to END.
What POTUS misses is that this is not the GOP fighting him, it is America fighting him. Setting up campaign speeches on Americas dime while talking to your labor union friends is not what is best for America.
Obama needs to listen to his own words and cut his constant party gibberish. This constant Liberal thinking, this Progressive non-sense of simply spending forever at the cost of America needs to END.
What POTUS misses is that this is not the GOP fighting him, it is America fighting him. Setting up campaign speeches on Americas dime while talking to your labor union friends is not what is best for America.
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