Women overtaking Men in the future as "Breadwinners"

I saw a story this morning on the news talking about women overtaking men in the workplace, I have to say, I don't care. I believe you should be judged on merit not sex, race or religion. That said, if the woman is a better choice for a job, choose her. However, it isn't that cut and dry like many things in America. America has a history of interfering with private sectors to encourage certain social or cultural events. One thing you'd notice if you worked in the public sector, more and more women are promoted than men. That is a statistical fact when you equalize the ratios of men to women. What women's groups have long argued is "yes we make up more promotions but men get higher promotions". Well isn't most of this simple mathematics or time? As I look around I find the majority of men in the public sector were hired long before the women, though the women made it faster up the promotions ladder due to the increase in female over male promotion bias in Government.

This is a dirty little secret that the OPM doesn't want to share. Again, if a woman is the better candidate for a job, give it to her - but don't slight the man because he has a twig and berries. Also it is my opinion the the dulling down of masculinity in America plays a large role in the future success of women, what that means for a nation however I am not sure. What I mean by this is men, more importantly young men, are encouraged to be reliant, to expect things be given to them which makes them part of their current "me" generation. When you make the male no longer interested in success on his own merit and more dependency, it is only natural that a stronger woman would prevail. Women have been encouraged for the last 30 years to take leadership roles, that they were inherently quicker learners and better equipped for success and somehow men made success via buddy-networks, not credentials. Well that kind of build up builds a stronger candidate over decades of work.

And for the women readers who think I'm acting a tad male chauvinistic, ask any man their opinion on this topic who is over 30 and not part of the "me" generations - the response will be similar to mine. It isn't a bad thing to have more powerful and work bound ladies unless you have demonized the males. Personally, my wife makes nearly as much as I do, and I encourage here to buy small businesses, which will put her vastly ahead of me on income. I also do the Lion's share of the housework - something apparently other men do not do (or so I'm told by..women - consider the source).

And I made the "Lion's Share" comment intentionally, in a Lion pride the male does...nothing. His responsibility is to protect his area and reproduce, the lioness is responsible for hunting and bringing in the food while the Lion basks under a tree sitting in the sun. Frankly, I don't mind being the Lion.


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