Lawsuit to the NFL.

I'm sorry, all this suing the NFL for concussions is absolutely, 100%...absurd. What part of football is dangerous did these so called "athletes" not get? You were paid to play a dangerous sport, you knew it was dangerous, you pimped it, you embraced it, you were paid for it and you LOVED it. want to sue it. How nice. Too bad Marines can't sue the Military for creating a 'dangerous environment'. Last I checked, nobody forced you into the NFL. You got a BS and I mean bullsh-t degree from some University that pimped you in college and paid for your ride, then you left early to join the NFL for dollars. Now you have the audacity to act as if you shouldn't have had lasting injuries.

Quick question, how many boxers are suing the boxing commission or murder themselves post-boxing because of "concussions". Pretty sure boxers suffer far more brain injury than a football player, yet you don't see them wacking themselves. Maybe the truth is NFL players aren't as 'tough' as they portray themselves once the trainer induced drug coma go away, or maybe they have such a piss-poor manner of saving money that a lawsuit is the only way out of debt. I don't know, but either way...stop bitching. You look like a bunch of crying little boys. You sit here making millions to play a child's game, and then you cry about injuries. Did you not notice the entire medical staff on the field with you since high school? Did you not realize the constant surgeries? Did you not see the head-to-head hits? Seriously, you'd think the NFL would have been the last bastion of manliness but I guess not, so, is all you.

How about you suck it up and realize YOU, nobody else, took the risk. You knew what it was, you knew your chances but you ran for the dollars. Remember, you're nothing more than modern court jesters brought out for the public's amusement and without the public, you are nothing. So a handful of NFL players commit suicide over decades, how many other people have committed suicide? Have we done statistical analysis on their professions? Maybe the fact is people by their very nature are fleeting. People die, people kill themselves, these are facts of life. So far there is no medical proof the concussions in the NFL have resulted in suicides nor is their conclusive evidence that they pose serious (and by serious I mean deadly) risk. Again, I go back to boxing. How many boxers have killed themselves or died pre-maturely from direct brain damage?

So a final thought, man up already. Stop with your pompous macho behavior if 5 years from now you're going to cry about how hard it was on you.


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