Evolution - a question. Free-Will a thought.
It is a simple thought, if every life form on Earth is explained through science then Evolution has stopped. There are no other species switching forms, not children born with scales and taking over the water, or wings and taking over the sky. Seriously, show one, just one, example of that scientific theory in play? It is impossible. Now that isn't to say that species don't adapt, meaning taking on traits for a particular environment - but to say humans evolved from a monkey or way back when some amphibious creature, is absurd. Evolution says the only species that has seemed to figure out a brain was an asset was the human race or monkeys? Really, you buy that? No other creature including ones that Evolutional theory states have been here millions of years have evolved? Why have deer not grown faster legs and larger brains to avoid being killed easily by humans? Why has no domesticated dog evolved to speak to human owners since leaving a pack existence? Seems that if evolution was the cause for all things, we'd see more of it.
So if evolution is the end-all-be-all to the existence of man then it is a shame the game is over. In all the written history of man there was no 'new' creature, no evolution. So I guess this world is as evolved as it gets? That's a sad reality for every creature not human.
So, I'd say the next time a person scoffs at the concept of creationism, they take a deeper look at the complete concept of evolution theory and how that somehow holds merit. In my opinion it is much easier for man to accept that it evolved from scum than was created by a Grand Design. It removes the need to have any moral fiber and absolves him of responsibility to any higher power. If you pay attention you'll see that humans find it easier to believe in evolution and aliens than God - and all of that is based on faith, that is the irony in the end.
Now Free Will
One of the most common things people say to absolve themselves of faith in a "God" is that the world is such a harsh place. Why do we have wars, children dying, catastrophic events that kill the seemingly innocent? The answer to that question is 'free-will'. This is the concept that though created by the divine humans were enabled with the ability to make their own choices, that includes believing in their creation or not.
It is free-will that causes crime, murder, war and the worst characteristics of mankind. It is also the same facet that allows for the infinite compassion of mankind as well. The soldier that saves the child, the woman that adopts the child, the compassion of forgiveness. These are all free-will choices.
One other item non-faith individuals take on, and rightly so, is the words of the Bible - the Word of God. What they seem to forget is two-fold; the words were written and interpreted by free-will man and written to a context of a time. Again it is the free-will of man that placed the words to paper, the Bible didn't simply appear one day. Man has had a hand in shaping the text, which could explain a large series of the problems mankind has experienced over time.
There is also the difference between Faith and Religion. Faith is pure and profound, held to the individual, Religion is the group radicalization of Faith. The Bible notes numerous times that a formal "Church" is not necessary to be closer to your creator - but man tends to mess things up. People tend to point to the faults of the "Church" when validating the theory of Evolution. What people seem to forget is that the 'people' in the Church are just that, people and quite fallible by nature. So next time you confront the thought of God or Science, consider all the points and not just the ones that favor an easy life.
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