Stop blocking, deleting, protesting and start openly speaking

The US has degraded into a childlike argument where instead of discussing openly the views you may have, you yell, scream, break things or all out boycott or delete them. We don't discuss anymore, which was the cornerstone of what made this Country great, instead we threaten and we bully. Take the latest show of lack of adulthood with "PewDiePie", a person on YouTube who posted what was labeled a "anti-Semitic" joke. Instead of leaving the account alone and allowing dialogue, YouTube bowed to public pressure (aka lynch-mob tactics) and deleted the individuals account. This is also know as silencing them.

This was just the latest example of progressive limitations of free speech. If you don't agree, you delete. That is the American motto now. If you find something offensive, you don't discuss calmly opposing opinions and bullet points, you respond entirely with emotion and fear. America today resembles a 3rd graders fight at a park. Lots of yelling and over-reacting, little listening but lots of emotion.

Those that consider themselves liberal and progressive, should realize their tactics are in actuality fascist and oppressive. Believe it or not, people can say what they want - even if you disagree or believe society should disagree. This continued blocking and dismissing of free speech will in fact be the downfall of America.


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