Crimes are not really crimes, they are money making schemes and social justice events - in some cases.

Most people understand what a 'crime' is and in most cases, though never defined, a crime generally has a victim - something that was wronged and therefore justice must be provided. For instance an assault has a clear victim, a robbery has a clear victim, fraud even has a clear victim. One thing that doesn't have a victim, government enforced social behavior. Want a clear example? Speeding tickets. A speeding ticket is a fine, or worse, issued by the State to a Citizen even though there was no victim involved more than paper and policy. Speeding could lead to a crime (manslaughter, injury, etc.) but it isn't a victim based crime in itself. In fact you could argue that "safety" is used for many instance of social justice crimes. It is for your safety that many States require a seatbelt in your car - or you can be fined. It is for your safety that States have cell phone laws for vehicles - or you can be fined. Keep in mind none of these had a direct victim; certainly not the State. However, the State produces revenue off of these bogus events.

Consider this, what if the State wasn't legally allowed to issue 'speeding tickets', they could still pull people over for speeding but instead of a ticket issued to a driver, a notice was sent to that individuals insurance company. At that point, the insurance company - the one that has basically underwritten the driver - can choose how to handle its client. This would be far more effective, and direct. There is no victim and why should the State collect money off of crimes? Isn't that extortion?

  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats

Certainly seems to fit the definition of extortion. There are multiple examples of municipalities and States using authority to harass Citizens for victimless events, even go as far as jail and permanent punishment. Consider this story in which there was no victim, none but social justice morals. And as an example a young mans entire life has been destroyed. Was that justice? If so, for whom?


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