Brett Kavanaugh, poor Kavanaugh.
Honestly, I’m wondering what is the ratio of accusations to corroboration that enables you to call something a ‘fact’? Well, apparently if you’re a politician it is 2:1; if you have 2 accusers you have a corroborated story? What could go wrong. In light of Ford being a useless accuser who couldn’t corroborate a thing about her story - from not knowing how she got to the party, how she got home, but apparently vividly remembering 2 minutes in which her sole witness said ‘it didn’t happen’ - the political elite who would rather SCOTUS made laws than followed the Constitution, have brought forward another ‘accuser’. The similarity, her story. There is no corroborating evidence. There are no witnesses, no prior accounts, no discussions, just 20-40 year old story tellers. The insanity isn’t that these storytellers exist, it is that their stories are being taken as truths. Regardless of any facts.
Let’s take this one step further, not only are stories becoming facts but nobody is focusing on what should truly be highlighted. You have a Democratic Senator in California purposely holding back evidence during a judicial appointment review. Flip this, imagine if the Republican Senators held back corroborating evidence that a person did in fact rape someone. We’d be livid, correct? We should be equally livid that a Senator from California decided holding back evidence through over 14,000 pages of public debate and private debate, all of the sudden decides she should shed light on something that is fabricated. Kavanaugh has over 300 legal opinions, those are what should be under review right now. Those are ALL that matter.
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