Socialist Empire of Maryland and...yet another dumb gun law.

The Justice Warrior Dems of the Maryland Assembly have yet again proposed another useless, pointless and purposeless emotional law that will do absolutely nothing regarding the blacks killing blacks..primarily in Baltimore. The new Law which of course Dems pushed requires long-guns (aka: shotguns, rifles) to go through the same Federal FBI checks for private sales and they would public ones. This sounds reasonable at first, unless you have one cell in your brain. If you do, you realize that the thug buying the AK off someone isn't looking to 'register' or 'buy it legally'. Yet another purposeless law, just imposes more issues on law abiding citizens. I will leave out the now countless examples of the System failing to realize people that shouldn't have guns, even with accurate checks in place. It is really so pathetic. Eventually average Americans will turn on their fucking brains.


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