
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why the Democrats will lose in 2020 and how they could stop that.

Fast-forward to November 4, 2020 at one in the morning, the Democratic Party has just lost a Presidential election, again. The usual pundits on CNN and MSNBC, Vox, Huffington Post, Young Turks, and the like, are crying and complaining. There are again threats of riot, visions of a forgotten future and little if any hope. The collusion elements of the past are no longer headlines, instead America is simply labeled as completely enveloped in racism and hate. But how did we get here, what went wrong screams the left. How could this be? How twice?!?! The answer is simple and it started in 2016. The Democratic Party could have had a simple and easy victory over the 45th President, instead of bequeathing him a second term. All they needed to do was simply focus on policy, and only policy, nothing else nothing more. By pushing their original Democratic platform of improved health care, environmental awareness, border control/reform, cybersecurity policy and infrastructural improvements, th...

You can't read a 440 page paper?

Americans, are we serious? You can't finish a 440 page report on your own President. Have you spent any time at all even glancing through a review of your Government? If you haven't read it, please refrain from voting in any election for you are ignorant in this space. Mueller Report

The World needs to take a position on Iran - America is the only Global Power.

I wonder the impacts of these actions on the poorest Nations/people in the world. The games played between a 2nd World Country and a 1st World ones. In the US, we hear something like this and I'd offer most don't pay attention at all - unless as part of some party rally cry to one end or another. And those that actually care aren't so impacted, what's the worst that can happen? But, to Countries not so established that rely substantially on oil for energy, and must rely on th ese shipping routes and hope/pray they are defended. What happens to those people, the vast majority of the world? So far the only true provocation towards the US has been shooting down a surveillance drone. No US flagged or ported ship has been touched. UAE, Indian, UK, Japan and others have, but not the US. Iran isn't made of stupid people, they know that if they openly attacked American vessels or Americans that wouldn't be good for their Country. They are playing a shrewd game. Other C...

Donald Trump will win in 2020 because America can't do better.

At some point Americans will realize that politicians race bait for a reason, in the end, they are all the same. They keep their job by having 'classes' and having those 'classes' attack each other. They always have. The hatred from Trump they espouse, isn't real. Their opinion of him, isn't real. They just want to keep their job. That is all. Why do they really hate Trump? Because he proved that someone not in their establishment could win. They hate that. It makes them mortal, and they don't want to hear that. They rely on voters not paying attention and simply following a party blindly. Whether you're a Dem or a Rep, that doesn't matter it is simply one promoted ideology over another. They don't really follow that ideology, they sell it to you "the People" (channeling inner Bane voice). And what is the worst part, Americans fall for it. They actually think they 'win'. They don't win. Nothing fundamentally changes course...