Why the Democrats will lose in 2020 and how they could stop that.

Fast-forward to November 4, 2020 at one in the morning, the Democratic Party has just lost a Presidential election, again. The usual pundits on CNN and MSNBC, Vox, Huffington Post, Young Turks, and the like, are crying and complaining. There are again threats of riot, visions of a forgotten future and little if any hope. The collusion elements of the past are no longer headlines, instead America is simply labeled as completely enveloped in racism and hate. But how did we get here, what went wrong screams the left. How could this be? How twice?!?! The answer is simple and it started in 2016.

The Democratic Party could have had a simple and easy victory over the 45th President, instead of bequeathing him a second term. All they needed to do was simply focus on policy, and only policy, nothing else nothing more. By pushing their original Democratic platform of improved health care, environmental awareness, border control/reform, cybersecurity policy and infrastructural improvements, they would have won with flying colors. POTUS of the day was simply pushing border control, labeled by many as hate, and essentially improved economics for the upper-middle class and industry. Of course those pushes are easily seen and beneficial. The economy grew, and grew well, under the 45th President but that could be substantially attributed to an overall improvement in the global economy and the natural ebbs and flows of economics. Where POTUS stood out was his stance on policy, specifically trade. He carved a unique path in this space but he did so with a machete and not a scalpel. Democrats could have used this as well as their other platform objectives to ensure success following a relatively easy win in the House in 2018. However, they choose an entirely different and incorrect path. They choose division and decisiveness. Instead of convulesing to the 50 million Americans that voted against Hillary Clinton, they pushed an overwhelming narrative that those 50,000,000 Americans were simply stupid and out of touch, racists, bigots and ‘instert word of choice’ phobics. This did nothing in four years to further their cause, nor close in on their objective - the Presidency. Instead it simply alienated the middle of the voting public.

For all of 45’s problems, lack of tact and seeming inability to not respond, he maintained his power over the group that voted for him because he stayed true to who he was. He attempted multiple times to get “build that wall” funding, he openly attacked China on trade policy, he engaged almost in measured effort surprisingly against Iran, visited the DMZ in North Korea and made measured pushes that indicated some handler in the back room knew what they were doing. He created a ‘Space Force’ which was openly mocked by the Democratic Party until their famed “Russian Collusion” said space may be a factor not worth handing to the Russians. Some of this is truly remarkable.

And what was the Democratic response to the plausible 45 successes? One word tirades. “RACIST”, “SEXIST”, “HOMOPHOBIC!” they yelled, but couldn’t point to a single concrete and universal example that could possibly alter the minds of individuals that suffered through the Obama years. Had the Democratic Party used its majority to push platforms, instead of the voices of less than 10 members - and we all know who they are - perhaps they could have won a National election. For it is one thing to win 40,000 people in your district, but a grand thing to win a Nation. Couple all this distress with measured outcomes from 45’s Supreme Court appointees to include a praise by the left Godsend Justice RBG, and the Democratic Party simply looks out of touch and violent. That doesn’t win National Elections. As I said before, 2020 was an entirely winnable election for the Democratic Party, they chose another road.


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