Donald Trump will win in 2020 because America can't do better.

At some point Americans will realize that politicians race bait for a reason, in the end, they are all the same. They keep their job by having 'classes' and having those 'classes' attack each other. They always have. The hatred from Trump they espouse, isn't real. Their opinion of him, isn't real. They just want to keep their job. That is all. Why do they really hate Trump? Because he proved that someone not in their establishment could win. They hate that. It makes them mortal, and they don't want to hear that. They rely on voters not paying attention and simply following a party blindly. Whether you're a Dem or a Rep, that doesn't matter it is simply one promoted ideology over another. They don't really follow that ideology, they sell it to you "the People" (channeling inner Bane voice). And what is the worst part, Americans fall for it.

They actually think they 'win'. They don't win. Nothing fundamentally changes course. Trump never built one foot of wall (his largest campaign promise), and he never could. He knew that, for all his blustering he isn't a moron. He knew he needed Congress and he knew in the end Congress would block it but he could claim 'he tried'. The reason Obama candidly said that "he went too far left" as President is because he tended to use Exec Orders to push his plans instead of letting Congress bog them down per usual. Remember, Obama was a novice somewhat like Trump, though a more profound political player. Trump is more shrewd, he has Americans who hate him following his every breath and comment.

In the end simply "not being Trump" will not win an election. And instead of pushing unique and bipartisan policy, Dems have fractured themselves attempting to beat an Image. They will lose again.


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