Amnesty International - there was no need to mislead about the USA.

Amnesty International decided to enter the firearm debate in the United States for no apparent reason, labeling the US as a concern for tourists. The funny part is that is based on no incidents against tourists and no actual understanding of US laws between the Federal and State levels. It is quite clear that Amnesty International has a political objective in their commentary. It is also clear they don't understand a concept of States rights. Frankly I wish other 'bodies' would stay the hell out of US concerns, the  US is a Country that stands alone. No other Country in the world is like the US and the US is the ONLY Global Power. It's a shame Amnesty International isn't putting more of its efforts against the 40,000,000 slaves in Africa.

  • Over 78,000,000 people traveled to the US in 2018 alone. Amnesty International couldn't name a single one that died because of "US gun violence"
  • Classically they have assumed bans of a specific style of weapon impacts violence even though this has been disproved
  • They call for 'storage' laws for firearms in the US, most States require this by default
  • They call for 'training' for firearms, many US States require such training
  • They call for a gun registry, history has proven ruthlessly that such registries are only used for nefarious purposes
  • Fewer than 15,000 people in the US were killed by guns (under 0.0004% of Americans)
  • U.S. per capita firearm murder is 3.9 per 100,000 people
  • Amnesty International adds suicides into its calculations for gun violence, including the weapon or method of choice in with suicide (this isn't done with any other statistic) suicide accounts for nearly 60% of all gun related deaths in the United States
  • the U.S. ranks 34th in the world in suicide per capita with 13.7 per 100,000 people far exceeding the 3.9 per 100,000 people killed by firearms alone


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