Comments about the upcoming election

You should ONLY back someone you believe in and agree with. Not partially agree with, not think can win, not wouldn't it be cool, but someone you actually agree with. Don't get force fed candidates by the media, instead look around. Read. Kick over a few rocks, and find someone that you could actually sit back and say "this person will do a great job".

Remember both the Rep and Dem party are responsible for the mess the country is in now. It couldn't have happened without shared responsibility. And as election time nears, they all point fingers and they all cast blame...but none say "hey, ya know what? Government was the problem and thus, I was the problem".

Government, both Dems and Reps stopped working for the "people" a long time ago. They will continue to attempt to mandate via tax code and legislation, what is good for you in their eyes and with their agenda in the forefront.


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