Healthcare, it's on like Donkey Kong.

Well world, tomorrow is the big day. The day the Supreme Court in the United States weighs in on the Constitutionality of the "Federally mandated" healthcare policy by Pres. Obama. Before you ask, yeah, we all agree healthcare in America from a cost perspective could and should be better; that said, we still have the best doctors..sorry world.

Here is why the individual mandate will be, and should be, deemed unconstitutional. The US Constitution deems that Congress may levy taxes on citizens to raise income for the Nation, it does not allow Congress to mandate 'purchase'. That is why it will be deemed invalid. Now, as for the rest of the law..who knows. The individual mandate was complete bullshit, and a liberal compromise by Obama on the fact that he wouldn't agree to cover 'all healthcare' for everyone (because unlike his libby fools, he realizes that purchases like that are insane, ridiculous, un-supported and ineffective).

Healthcare in America is AWESOME. This country has by far the best talent and technology per capita in the world, the problem is cost. Why, well silly, R&D in pharmaceutics is expensive; and policies for FDA approval aren't simple. Companies spend billions simply trying to get 'approved'. And in a Capitalist economy, you got to make up your costs somewhere. The careful balance will be one of taxation, investment, funding and access..not individual mandates.


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