Feds fight against voters rights.

Why exactly would the Federal government, aka the Justice Department, of the United States not want to make sure voters in elections were legal US citizens and..ya know..alive. This is insane. Apparently a legitimate voters rights are worth nothing when it comes to allowing "everyone" to participate in an election. America's electoral method is becoming a globalized joke. We do nothing to validate that those voting for a leader or laws in the nation have the right to do so; so what is the value of being a US Citizen?

Let's look into it, citizens pay taxes, have the right to vote and are entitled to the benefits of those taxes. However, it seems that illegal entry to the US which requires no taxes be paid essentially in the form of income entitles you to the same benefits, and in some cases increased opportunities in America. That said, why be a citizen? You gain literally nothing from it.

Come on America, we can do better. The Justice Department should be pushing and fighting for American Citizens to vote and not punishing states (shockingly Republican ones) for trying to clean up the ballots.

America Fail


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