Stop talking about Blacks in Power
I seriously can't wait for these old gripers, those 45 and over, are gone. All they do is bring up issues that aren't problems and focus on issues of the past for todays arguments. Get over yourselves already. Any error of the past by "whites" on "blacks" are gone, they don't exist in mass any more. The vast majority of corruption of races on each other is from their own race. Look at any single statistic, and that story will be told.
The problem is America is OK with hyping up a race problem that is not. They insist that everyone puts for the same effort in life and simply, racist views corrupt their opportunities to move forward. It is completely absurd, and like an old man said about North Korea - "Korea will only be whole when all that knew the tyranny are dead"; same is said for the US and race - until all those who accepted racist acts in the 60's are gone, can America put the book away.
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