Voting in America.

Since 1792 the United States of America have done something truly amazing. They elected leaders, without violence, intimidation or retribution. This is something special because for the vast number of nations and kingdoms of the time, this was not a reality. Now this early founding wasn't without problems, specifically as to who was allowed to vote, but over time this systems has matured. In fact, today the United States of America have one of the greatest overall inclusive voting paradigms. It is amazing that with all the turmoil and striffe that Americans precieve, these events go off for the most part without issue - that isn't to discount the lovely hanging chads or Black Pathers at polling stations - but is to say of all the areas and persons that voted, issues are few. No matter how much political parties try to say otherwise.

What is truly exceptional is that America has continued to move over two centuries with the same overall system of government, amazing. And this says something about what it means to be an American, and part of this system. No matter how much we disagree, we manage to - without revolt - elect a leader of the Nation, impressive.

However, some complain that 'lines are too long' and the process 'takes too much time' to that I say, if standing in a line for a few hours on one day out of a four year period is too much for you, maybe you should consider this: how long have you waited in a line to buy a Christmas present for someone? Or concert tickets? Coffee? Etc. Ask yourself, what exactly were you waiting for?

Good luck America!


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