Stop pandering

Listening to the Republican party try to figure out what it should have done to win is absurd. I'm hearing this "oh we should have used Rubio as the running mate to get Latinos" - really? You mean the only way to win is to pander to racist acts so that a group of minorities will vote for someone who looks like them? If that was the case, why didn't you run Rubio/Rice, have a Cuban and Black woman, wouldn't that have covered your bases? Now I'd love to say that wouldn't matter but when you see that over 80-90% of blacks voted for Obama - and considering the vast majority of minorities vote for Democrats anyway, maybe it would have mattered. Either way, Americas voting populace is a failure and the electoral college is a complete joke. How can one candidate get 60M votes, the other 57M and the electoral college has a 100 point gap? It is time that a few counties in a few states didn't determine the winner.

In Maryland, 4 counties determined the State, similar to Ohio, Florida, etc. Just seems insane.


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