Color me confused

I am continually amazed by what constitutes a headline in America. Here we have a hispanic that kills a black and it is literally all the media rage for months. During the same time, hundreds of blacks, whites, hispanics are shot and murdered all over the Country with not an element of fan fair from the media or public. It is something of spectacle.

Chicago alone has had over 100 people killed this year, as has Baltimore Maryland, yet there are no planned marches, media coverage, discussions in the public eye, it all goes by as a non-issue. So the question for America is, why the fake rage? Why pretend you're concerned about violence when you're actions prove otherwise? In fact take a look at the non-sense, fake, conspired "rally" or "protest". All setup by a few to show some faux outrage about something - though none can define it. People are laughing and smiling while they are supposedly upset over a verdict. Smashing police cars and glass in Oakland California, a place literally a world away from the events and just adding to the flames of racial fire. With political leaders making quips when they feel it will get them votes and failed media personalities looking for something to bump their ratings. All the while, a man is dead another mans life destroyed and all America can do is film and comment with stupidity.

The same tired leaders go around pimping the same tired race issue, apparently showing complete disregard for the fact that it is a hispanic that killed a black - so now apparently whites and hispanics are against blacks? I'm not sure what to make of that. And reading the tired Twitter feeds on half-ass athletes and their "comments" is all but absurd. Apparently, once again, it is the same tired rhetoric of "everyone against the black man", all but forgetting the numerous people killed in America everyday that seem to crawl by without such as a whimper.


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