Let's start being honest about Violence in America, not "gun" violence...

There is a serious problem with the "culture" within the United States, the statistics are actually alarming. I like to use Chicago as a baseline because it is a city that for the entire time I've been alive and long before it has been entirely run by Democrats.

First I'll point to a study done on youth (14-24) within Chicago, out of those polled 25% had firearms (nearly all illegal) but aside from the ease at which these people grab guns illegally in a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the Nation, the rationale for 'why' they had guns was more astounding. Let's see:

-- 22% reported ownership of highly lethal automatic/semiautomatic weapons.

-- 37% said they had a gun primarily for protection; 10% said they were "holding it for someone"; 9% said they have a gun because their "friends carry guns."

-- 52% reported that it would be little or no trouble to obtain a firearm.

These answers are absurd and push more and more towards the NRA opinion that "LEGAL" gun owners are not societies problem so limiting how/when legal gun owners purchase is a waste of time.  Also alarming were the people's thinking on when it was "OK" for violence:

"revenge was a good thing," and that it was "OK to hurt people if they hurt you first."

That is truly amazing. It is highlighting more and more how violence in society is an issue, not the method by which is substantiates. 

See more here

Now, let's reference more statistics this time on towns within Chicago. Towns that have seen "Democratic" policy destroy them. The idea that by taking from the rich you can feed and embrace the poor. For this I'll simply take towns ranked by the Chicago Tribune, for violence and then I will show you the societal breakdown within those areas and point to resources that detail how these areas social makeup formed.

Fuller Park
West Englewood 

These three areas are the most violent crime riddled of the city and now I will outline the societal demographics. You read the stats, you draw a conclusion. Remember, I'm simply showing you statistical number, no opinion..no embellishing for one view over the other, simply mathematical analysis. 

Fuller Parks breakdown since its creation
Englewood since creation
West Englewood since creation

Now for comparison sake, I'll show you the three safest areas in Chicago, again, no opinion just statistics of "Democratic" rule:

Edison Park
East Side

Simply put, society has an issue but it isn't in the guns.


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