Michael "The Grim Reaper" Cohen set to testify?

These are always my favorite, people who are equal parts shit and liar telling you who the shits and liars are. Well, I guess maybe they know what it looks like because they are it - but I mean, how much can you trust that? Michael Cohen is going to say ‘Trump knew WikiLeaks would run an article’, sorry but who cares? You mean to tell me he knew that WikiLeaks would start telling the truth openly about the DNC? Remember, they didn’t make anything up, they just passed along emails openly sent by the DNC.

Then in usual fashion, Mikey will call Donny racist with zero actual facts to that case other than nuance on words and ideology. Donny, the same man who won the Ellis Island Award is a racist? If that’s true he should be ‘fired’ for being a terrible one. Plus, I have to say calling a business man in the US a ‘con-man’ or ‘cheat’ is par for the course kids. They all are, how do you think they run Fortune 500 companies? Based only on their honor and intelligence? Who are you kidding?

This testimony right here, well this reads like Ford trying to accuse Kavanaugh “hey man, I heard some shit in a room one time but nobody can corroborate any of it and there is really no other proof than me, the same person who was disbarred and is going to prison”

“Days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” the testimony notes. "Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’”

This is really just grasping at straws now. Meanwhile POTUS is actively over in Vietnam talking to the ‘Dear Leader’ of NK.

Now does anyone believe this statement hasn’t been altered by the Mikey? I mean do you remember the exact words used in a discussion years ago?

“While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way. And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid. And yet I continued to work for him.”

Not to mention given Blacks routinely throw 90% of their vote behind a Dem, Trump isn’t wrong even if he said it. Sorry about those facts. Fact is Michael Cohen is a sad piece of shit trying to cover his own ass now to avoid serious jail time and secure a book deal. Wish the media realized that.

Some ticky-tack WaPo shit show


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