Your taxes are going up - one of my favorite FakeNews spins of 2019.

Your taxes are going up - one of my favorite FakeNews spins of 2019. Without a doubt you’ve heard rumblings if you pay any attention to tax code that you might pay more this year because Trump somehow screwed you. Well, as with much of everything you read or hear since 2001, that is a steaming pile of excrement wrapped around minimal facts.

The facts of the case are this, the Federal Treasury has limited the amount of local and State income taxes you can deduct from your Federal taxes. As any taxpayer knows, the State and local municipalities routinely lay pipe on the taxpayer because they always knew, you’d never care. You didn’t care because any shade-tree accountant could deduct all those costs for you so when the Feds came to take their tribute, you thought you were being smart. Reality sets in. The local and State have been raping you like a drunk hooker for decades, you never cared. Now, all the local Legislatures have lathered up the Blitzkrieg to inform you that “TRUMP” somehow has screwed you. He hasn’t. They have.

Now what your local and State will not tell you is that Vicious, Vile Trump has also said he was entirely open to raising the deduction cap from $10,000 if they could modify other aspects of the tax code. Guess who didn’t want to? Yeah, you nailed it, Congress. But alas, all you’re going to hear is that TRUMP has bent over 11,000,000 people and forced them to pay more.

Do a little investigative reporting yourself. Post April 15, 2019 when small facts begin to weep through the mesh lining of bullshit that is the media, see what States have the most impact. I’ll put my money on California and New York, along with other States that routinely ramp up the taxes locally.


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