Saturday Morning Post

Read this, it will some up all this weeks news that really matters. Everything else is simply non-sense:

Oil Spill -

Can we all just stop talking for five minutes? Yesterday was all a flutter because some scientists, who haven't actually been down 5,000ft to the well site, claim that British Petroleum is essentially misleading everyone to the spill amounts. So all the news agencies were picking their respective sides. What should have been the focus is fixing the problem, stopping the spill. We can figure out afterwards who lied and what the damage is. There should have been more focus by the media on the fact that Transocean, who owned the Deep Horizon rig, is attempting to limit their personal responsibility so simply 24M dollars. This is a company that makes over 660M a quarter. Unless there was some paperwork in the lease contract between BP and Transocean that stated BP was responsible for any and all damages to the rig or aftermath there of, how do they not share equally in responsibility?

Air-soft AR15's being made in to real AR15's -

Please, this is like the commentary on many a YouTube video that says how simple it is to change a semi-auto to a full-auto. It isn't. Changing the lower receiver on a plastic gun that fires air pellets so that it can house real cartridges is great, and how exactly to you take care of the all plastic air barrel that will melt on discharge? Just because you located a few that looked like viable conversions does not mean a thing. Which is more expensive and time consuming for a criminal; having an Air Soft rifle converted or stealing a gun?

Sarah Palin touts Obamas end of the 2nd Amendment -

Sarah please exit stage right. You have proven, sadly, that the left was in fact right. You are a bit of a numskull. You left your governorship to go on some goofy book tour and join up with Fox News to be a talking head. At least Glenn Beck and other folks use facts in their dialog and opinion, you however are about 99% opinion 1% fact. Would Obama and most progressive like to limit guns, of course, this is nothing new. However less than 30% of the US population even thinks about removing guns from private citizens. And that number has consistently dropped since Clinton's era. The 2nd amendment is currently stronger than it has been in the last 20 years. I am in no way an Obama fan, but lets wait for him to make a move before he gets slammed. He signed into law the ability to carry in National Parks and AMTRAK trains. Hardly sounds like he is killing the 2nd Amendment. Not to mention the Judicial branch is more pro-2nd amendment than it has been in decades.

Thai citizens shot by their own military -

Yes, this week a general in the red shirts (group against the Thai government) was assassinated while being interviewed. Since then about 10 more citizens have been murdered by the Thai military. Makes Murray Head's song a little more frightening.

NYC and terror attacks -

OK folks, back down off the "I'm petrified of existence" box. Every car left parked and idling is not a bomb. See this is the mass confusion Bush talked about after 9/11/2001. US citizens so petrified of their environment that it rules their daily life. Now you have NY leaders thinking maybe they should ban cars in Times Square. Really, that is your solution? Sounds like the concept of tightening gun laws to limit violence, it makes no sense.

Obamas financial plan -

Snap crackle pop, ouch goes the financial plan. Obama is pushing hard for his financial reform (go FDR) but he is forgetting a key component that wrecked the system, the government. It was in fact government programs that screwed up Capitalism. The government trying to skew results is always problematic and Obamas financial reform offers nothing towards cleaning up the government problems (Fannie/Freddie Mac) that caused a large majority of the crisis. Oh and if you're keeping track, Freddie asked for another 8B in government cheese, because of their 10+ B dollars loss this quarter.

Shocker Russel Crowes depiction of Robin Hood, sucks -

That is really all I have to say about that.


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