Searching for reason.
I follow a series of news groups pretty regularly including: CNN, FoxNews, USAToday, WSJ and so on. One thing I've noticed that seems universal between all of them is the low level of education of their readers, primarily their commentators. Those would be people that respond via different social media to the articles presented.
Routinely the audience takes only the headline, rarely the article and never an outside source, before weighing in with their ever beloved 'opinion'. This morning I watched a series of confused souls on CNN mock or praise the recent Obama pick for the Supreme Court. I'd argue that 90% of the people who posted their comments did not research the history of the Supreme Court, the history of those nominated and the practices and policies utilized. Instead remarks like "what a great pick" or "look at the fat lesbian" were the posts of choice.
Three prime current events that point to the overall lack of universal education or even the ability to research have been; BP oil crisis, EU/IMF bailout of Greece, Arizona's Immigration Law.
In all three of these topics America proved how dumb she can be and how polarized individuals are in their opinion regardless of fact, history or law. Once met with facts people routinely jump to insults, or worse a standpoint of superiority in intellect. No one seems interested in the facts or history only their opinion and their view of either what happened before or what should happen in the future. As with many large scale issues there are many tangents, sidelines, side stories, purposes and rationales that can not be summed up in a sound byte. The problem is the average US citizen is far to concerned about themselves, their family their vacation, their job to care about the nation. It really becomes a point of principles.
What is truly amazing is the ability of each individual to jump on an immediate soapbox of superiority regardless of equal fact in the opposite direction. The old saying "don't let the facts get in the way of your rhetoric" comes to mind. People like to personalize issues and give 'passion' to them. This only serves to destroy the context and reason for the issue.
What is needed is the ability to stand back and look logically at an issue, whether it be oil crisis, legislative or judicial. Sadly the Internet and cable news has watered down the legitimacy of most 'news' in search of higher ratings and cash. Environmentalists have forsaken their cause to push their agenda, politicians have long left the legacy of their office in favor of their own purse and justices seem to be the last bastion of logical practice.
Only the future knows what is held for America but the sooner America begins focusing on the core principals of the Founding Fathers, the better we all will be.
Routinely the audience takes only the headline, rarely the article and never an outside source, before weighing in with their ever beloved 'opinion'. This morning I watched a series of confused souls on CNN mock or praise the recent Obama pick for the Supreme Court. I'd argue that 90% of the people who posted their comments did not research the history of the Supreme Court, the history of those nominated and the practices and policies utilized. Instead remarks like "what a great pick" or "look at the fat lesbian" were the posts of choice.
Three prime current events that point to the overall lack of universal education or even the ability to research have been; BP oil crisis, EU/IMF bailout of Greece, Arizona's Immigration Law.
In all three of these topics America proved how dumb she can be and how polarized individuals are in their opinion regardless of fact, history or law. Once met with facts people routinely jump to insults, or worse a standpoint of superiority in intellect. No one seems interested in the facts or history only their opinion and their view of either what happened before or what should happen in the future. As with many large scale issues there are many tangents, sidelines, side stories, purposes and rationales that can not be summed up in a sound byte. The problem is the average US citizen is far to concerned about themselves, their family their vacation, their job to care about the nation. It really becomes a point of principles.
What is truly amazing is the ability of each individual to jump on an immediate soapbox of superiority regardless of equal fact in the opposite direction. The old saying "don't let the facts get in the way of your rhetoric" comes to mind. People like to personalize issues and give 'passion' to them. This only serves to destroy the context and reason for the issue.
What is needed is the ability to stand back and look logically at an issue, whether it be oil crisis, legislative or judicial. Sadly the Internet and cable news has watered down the legitimacy of most 'news' in search of higher ratings and cash. Environmentalists have forsaken their cause to push their agenda, politicians have long left the legacy of their office in favor of their own purse and justices seem to be the last bastion of logical practice.
Only the future knows what is held for America but the sooner America begins focusing on the core principals of the Founding Fathers, the better we all will be.
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