The Tangled web of Freddy Gray
The Freddy Gray saga continues, a man killed while in police custody and the case just gets more and more tangled. What we learn from all this is that the majority of our police forces actually do care about their job and aren't out there to hurt or injure (see the multitudes of police that are out on the street and NOT injuring anyone). We also found out, at least in Baltimore, that apparently prosecutors also find a way to migrate through the food chain while be absurdly poor at their jobs. Mosley has no business handling this case, she has been terrible from the word 'go'. First she completely over-charged the accused, charges she can't possibly get a conviction on and done in the hope of tampering unrest. A terrible idea. She also is playing this audience like a 3rd grade recess where you can either 'have nothing disclosed (autopsy) or have everything on the Internet' - a ridiculous statement.
If she truly wanted justice, she would have immediately removed herself due to conflicts of interest with her husband. But, this was never about the truth with her. Follow her career, this is about pimping herself out to her next title. Sad, really, because a man did die, and someone should be responsible for that. Police are not there to ruff you up on the way to a holding cell, they aren't soldiers, they aren't special forces, they aren't in combat, they are suppose to bring you to a Court to determine your guilt, not decide on their own.
If she truly wanted justice, she would have immediately removed herself due to conflicts of interest with her husband. But, this was never about the truth with her. Follow her career, this is about pimping herself out to her next title. Sad, really, because a man did die, and someone should be responsible for that. Police are not there to ruff you up on the way to a holding cell, they aren't soldiers, they aren't special forces, they aren't in combat, they are suppose to bring you to a Court to determine your guilt, not decide on their own.
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