#blacklivesmatter - NO THEY DON'T

Apparently black lives do in fact, NOT MATTER. Why else would blacks be killing themselves in record numbers? Over the weekend over 20 people were shot, a 7 year old killed, all in the urban streets of Chicago where "anti-2nd Amendment Gun Laws" are more prevalent than taxis.  Nobody marched, no riot, no obscene media coverage. No calls for removal of the City of Chicago's Flag. Why is there such an absurd double-standard in America for "Whites" and then "Blacks"? Don't quote me Slavery or oppression, maybe that was the calling card in 1960-1990 but certainly not now. Not with the sheer amount of laws on the books tilting everything in favor of one group of people (which by all accounts makes up less than 1/3 of the Nation - Democracy no more). Japanese families were imprisoned in America just 70 years ago (not 200) and they don't have special care programs or burn down their cities, why? How about every other ethnic version of a Caucasian (which would indicate you came from the European Caucus region, which most couldn't find on a map) - thing German American, Italian American, French American..all of which went through hell in the 1900's when immigrating to the US.

If #blacklivesmatter, then why do blacks not care?



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