Fake News
All the rhetoric lately about 'fake news' and false information, from Facebook threading to 'bogus news' sites has me wondering. It seem the fake news sites actually carry real names, such as "The Washington Post", it all revolves around what you consider fake.
In my opinion, writing an article immediately after the first thread of information to grab a headline in a 24/7/365 news cycle, then never going back to update it with the same fervent fashion or, rushing to make everything Breaking News/Alerts while simply blowing up the most simple of facts, are all fake news. It simply is in the eye of the beholder.
For instance over the last two weeks we've heard that the majority of 'news' stories from 'real' news agencies regarding race baited attacks or church burnings were entirely, false. However, this doesn't stop people from now quoting how a President Elect has emboldened racism. See, that is the true impact of fake news. It isn't embellished tails, or completely falsified actions, it is the emphasis and nuance with no processing at all. It is a headline "MUSLIM WOMAN ATTACKED, HEADSCARF TAKEN OFF, GO HOME YELLED' headlines that are fake news, and embolden the hatred we see.
What has taken place recently in America has shows that true racism and fake news comes drastically from one side of an ideological isle, and it is not the one 'real' news outlets would hint to. For example a church burning, where anti-black and "Trump" was painted, was burned down by a 45 year old black man who attended to the Church. I'd love to say this was the odd ball out, but it wasn't. The same major news outlets put out multiple stories about Muslim women being attacked in New York, all stories, fake. But by far, the most impressive fake news story ones one that happened on a Long Beach Community College Campus. The report discussed racial slurs and logos totaling over 110 anti-Semitic slurs. The early 'news' reports said it was done by a white man. This story and others were pointed to supposedly highlighting how a new President-Elect has encouraged a racist mentality by whites, however there is one prevailing problem with this logic. The man wasn't white. The man was Jasskirat Saini.
Another travesty of logic was the blaming of two white men for driving through a college campus with a Trump flag and harassing black students, in fact the media was so certain the headline wrote:
"Two frat members at a Massachusetts college are booted out of chapter after 'harassing black
students' as they drove through Hillary Clinton's alma mater with a Trump flag". So, Parker Rand-Ricciardi and Edward Tomasso were instantly labeled 'white, pro-Trump, Racists'. Here is the problem, this story was false. Like so many before and after it, the accusations were just that and not based on fact. Weeks later the school admitted the men did nothing wrong. The problem is, that wasn't a headline anymore, in fact the only outlet that made it a headline of any level was FoxNews, but even then it was relegated to small font.
Like so many of these fake news stories, the media tries to push a rhetoric that it comprehends, not actual news. And that is in fact the problem today. If fake news does sway things, as some media outlets (CNN) seem to allude that it could cause war, perhaps these same outlets should review how fast they run to their blogs and opeds to push out false proverbs.
In my opinion, writing an article immediately after the first thread of information to grab a headline in a 24/7/365 news cycle, then never going back to update it with the same fervent fashion or, rushing to make everything Breaking News/Alerts while simply blowing up the most simple of facts, are all fake news. It simply is in the eye of the beholder.
For instance over the last two weeks we've heard that the majority of 'news' stories from 'real' news agencies regarding race baited attacks or church burnings were entirely, false. However, this doesn't stop people from now quoting how a President Elect has emboldened racism. See, that is the true impact of fake news. It isn't embellished tails, or completely falsified actions, it is the emphasis and nuance with no processing at all. It is a headline "MUSLIM WOMAN ATTACKED, HEADSCARF TAKEN OFF, GO HOME YELLED' headlines that are fake news, and embolden the hatred we see.
Jasskirat Saini - RACIST |
Another travesty of logic was the blaming of two white men for driving through a college campus with a Trump flag and harassing black students, in fact the media was so certain the headline wrote:
"Two frat members at a Massachusetts college are booted out of chapter after 'harassing black
Parker Rand-Ricciardi - NOT A RACIST |
Like so many of these fake news stories, the media tries to push a rhetoric that it comprehends, not actual news. And that is in fact the problem today. If fake news does sway things, as some media outlets (CNN) seem to allude that it could cause war, perhaps these same outlets should review how fast they run to their blogs and opeds to push out false proverbs.
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