Why BlackLivesMatter is basically a terrorist organization without the hardware or planning.
From blacklivesmatter.com, tell me again how this isn't a false-propaganda organization focused entirely on giving arrogant clowns a finger to point:
Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.
Yeah, that comes directly from 'blacklivesmatter.com'. Sadly though almost 100% of their main focus is incorrect - proven by facts.
Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted.
Wow, so this is completely false. In fact, a Harvard study by a black professor that set out initially with the theory that blacks were targeted by police, found that actually there was absolutely zero facts pointing to that conclusion. Of course, that didn't stop the rhetoric from spewing and the false racist narrative from being pushed forth.
“On the most extreme use of force — officer-involved shootings — we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account,” said Harvard economics professor Roland G. Fryer Jr.
Roland G. Fryer Jr. realizing BLM was bullshit. |
This is not unlike Islamic Terrorism, where falsehoods on Western society are used to push the ignorant to act. But since Jay-Z and Beyoncé don't promote reading, why do any actual research. Just listen to the Twitter feed and grab a sign, oh and some Nikes when you burn down the shoe store because that stops violence. The fact is that more whites are actually killed by police related shooting, and in most cases these are domestic violence instances. The actual targeting of blacks is a scientific falsehood - it plain and simply doesn't happen. Now according to leftist propaganda that makes literally millions of dollars off telling blacks they are inferior and held back by white, this simply isn't true because - and a man actually said this - there just has to be racism, even if we can't point to it. And see it is this fundamental false ideology that in fact links BLM very closely to a terrorist-eque organization.
That brings us to another interesting piece of the whole BLM thing, burning down and rioting. See no where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is it written that you have the freedom to riot or that you have the freedom to even block traffic (without a permit). All of these acts are actually illegal. What we have seen is essentially white and black leaders alike simply too afraid to enforce the law. Sounds an awful lot like what terrorist would like to see, don't ya think?
Let's burn our own town to the ground to preserve life. |
An affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society
I'm pretty certain nobody but the most racist Klansman ever said that blacks didn't contribute a single thing to society. Actually the Revolutionary war started with something called 'the shot heard 'round the world" which was actually, a black man. That is right, the first real patriot was a black man. Wonder how many BLM clowns know that? Heck even when Ben Carson ran for the Republican Ticket, he was routinely called an Uncle Tom by blacks. Now, most black youth probably never read Harriet Beecher Stowes' 1852 Novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin',
and unless the propaganda is shoved down their throat - don't even understand the reference. But alas, Benny boy wasn't a rapper, so there was absolutely no reason to take him seriously. The fact that he grew up in poverty to a single mother, in the city, and became a neurosurgeon...pointless.
and unless the propaganda is shoved down their throat - don't even understand the reference. But alas, Benny boy wasn't a rapper, so there was absolutely no reason to take him seriously. The fact that he grew up in poverty to a single mother, in the city, and became a neurosurgeon...pointless.
Our resilience in the face of deadly oppression
This is probably my favorite, kind of like when someone says there is "institutional racism", they can never actually point to it, it is simply something in the air. A nebulous thing not bound by the laws of physics, science or fact but entirely based in emotion and conjecture.
In 1965 Democrats finally figured out a way post Civil War and during the Civil Rights Movement to continue to keep blacks under yoke of separation and essentially being a lesser class, oddly enough they called it Affirmative Action. What that did was set the wheels in motion for Government to routinely tell blacks they were less than their white counterparts from birth. Sneaky Democrats found a way to keep slavery alive and well, just without the chains. Now in 2016 we have black people railing against Republicans for wanting to treat them equally to whites. Hmm, seems we still have a little course correcting left to do America.
In 1965 Democrats finally figured out a way post Civil War and during the Civil Rights Movement to continue to keep blacks under yoke of separation and essentially being a lesser class, oddly enough they called it Affirmative Action. What that did was set the wheels in motion for Government to routinely tell blacks they were less than their white counterparts from birth. Sneaky Democrats found a way to keep slavery alive and well, just without the chains. Now in 2016 we have black people railing against Republicans for wanting to treat them equally to whites. Hmm, seems we still have a little course correcting left to do America.
So to conclude, BLM is the only acceptable organized racism in America today, it is egged on by a class of old-whites that simply can't let go of being the caretaker of 'ol black Joe. When the average age in the DNC leadership isn't 70+ they can talk to America about how diverse and inclusive they are. Let's keep it simple, crack a book, read some history and realize who is really running the show.
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