U.S. Citizens taking 40% of Citigroup? Possibly.

Given the current economic woes of Citigroup (stock plummeting to 18 yr low of $2.00/per) the citizens of the United States are contemplating taking a 40% ownership in common stock. This goes in line with the 80% we own in AIG. So now that the US Citizens are all over the stock market with investments in huge firms, how do we get our cut? I mean, once the stock goes up how do I get my dividend check? I'm a share holder right? The shares were bought with Treasury dollars taken from our collective pay checks. So that said, how do I get my dividend? My guess is the US government will step in and take it for me to redistributed in the way/fashion they see fit.

Man, I sure am glad they are sitting in the wings to help me with this. Lord knows, we'd be in a ton of trouble without their expertise in financial matters.

Where is my dividend?


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