$1,750,000,000,000.00 <-- Obama's Deficit spending

Good Lord. Well, just as we left the Gold Standard in 1971 we'll be leaving the USD as the dominating currency now. The UK and others are already ramping up to provide another standard of value as the dollar in the coming year will plummet in value. There were urges before to leave the USD as standard, but it never had enough pull. Then with the oil skyrocket of last summer, the middle-east was pushing for another standard. With Obama's spending, this is guaranteed. The USD will not be the dominating standard currency. It simply can not hold its value with this spending level.

Obama is expecting to drop 4T in all. Four TRILLION dollars. We simply can not afford that. The US GDP is projected to be around 2.5T for 2009. So make it simple..your salary is $50,000 a year...you just spent about $110,000 in one shot. How do you plan on paying that? Also Obama wants to fully fund his so-called health care reform with rich peoples taxes. Everyone, rich or poor should be terrified at such a proposal. This opens the door for class taxes based on programs. Remember if it can be done to one class, it can be done to another. This will work out badly, guaranteed. Obama will be a one-term president thanks to this little escapade.


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