2nd Amendment
I have read articles that state things like “America needs to have an honest talk about gun rights” and watched State Attorney Generals file appeals against carry laws, when the law is well received by the masses. I don’t know if these folks have become overly impressed with their own posts, or lost their minds all together.
In regards to the article on gun rights, it addressed the shooting in Aurora as if the murdering of individuals wasn’t a crime, owning a gun was. The writer repeatedly spoke of “legally purchased” firearms and the incorrectly classified a AR-15 rifle as an “automatic assault rifle”; there is nothing automatic, nor assault, about a legally purchased AR-15. First, the terminology – an assault rifle is one that fires multiple rounds per single trigger pull, which is the definition. An AR-15, as legally purchased in the United States, is only capable of firing one shot per trigger pull, not multiple, thus it is not an automatic assault rifle. So right off the bat the writer is misinformed and one can only image what can be expected. Murder in the United States, no matter the means, is illegal. Anyone committing murder is violating the law to the furthest extent. So why is the means by which the person is murdered the concern, and not the individual? The same day this lunatic murdered 12 people with a gun, over 100 million legal firearm owners, did not. I thank God for organizations like the NRA and the politicians that have the testicular fortitude to stand up for what is right. There is no issue with the 2nd Amendment, there is however issue with those who attempt to blame it for the ills of America.
Now on to the Attorney General of the State of Maryland; he has threatened to appeal the ruling by multiple courts that Maryland requiring you to be threatened to exercise your 2nd Amendment right, is unconstitutional. More so, the citizens are behind the ruling, yet the Attorney General is going against their wishes and proceeding anyway. This is no longer in any way a government of the People. The only thing standing between the United States and every other country in the world is the US Constitution; and it seems to be only a matter of time before that is destroyed.
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