March on Washington - revisited.
He is encouraging the “Occupy Wallstreet” folks and asking that they keep a cleaner view of their end goal. What I believe is the turning point is now we have politicians encouraging citizens to essentially revolt around our financial structure and the way American runs; Capitalism. The irony is this is a man who spent a great deal of his life attempting to change the Government of the United States, and now that he is the Government, he’d like to change the private sector of the United States. Very interesting in deed.
He spoke recently about wearing ‘suits’ and dressing the part of a professional while protesting peacefully. Well, sorry sir, but times have changed. Back in the 1960’s most people wore suits to work, now you find it only in executive status or politics, the vast majority of workers today are sans suits. But that is just a note on how he is slowly getting out of touch with what America “is” not what it “was”. That is where I wish we’d pay just a little more attention to society.
Fact of the matter is when it comes to protesting and lawsuits; they run hand-in-hand. The representing party in Politics in the US is in favor of any and all methods and actions that draw the ire of their opponent; and likewise are willing to decry the opposite a travesty. I have a dream myself, a dream that one day people will judge actions and propositions on what they are, and not the ‘party’ they represent. The majority of our problems in America today are the result of patrician action by both parties. And that my friends, is the truth.
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