LZ Granderson - you're blind to the world.
You seem to be on point on anything - not political. However every time you dabble into the realm of politic you get stuck in a Liberalistic Demagogue of non-sense. You attempted to analyze class-warfare via Romney, while avoiding at all costs the fact that for decades the Democrats have relied whole-heartedly on class warfare as their pulpit. You mention that he only views a world of honor students and bus drivers, well, maybe you should realize that not everyone wants to go to college and that a degree does not somehow make you more important that the guy who came to fix your plumbing. If you were so smart, why didn't you fix it yourself? The example holds.
Romney didn't denigrate the 'bus driver' however, Democrats and your beloved Obama routinely do, with comments such as "well, those were minimum wage jobs the Republicans created" if somehow minimum wage was an atrocity. Aren't we arrogant!
Why should Romney apologize for being born into a hard working and wealthy family? Why should he get any less from America than a person who was born on a city street to nothing? America is EQUAL opportunity, not EQUAL success. It is not his fault, nor does he owe anyone any explanation of his fortune and success. It seems as if jealousy abounds the Liberal mindset, as if in some way a Utopia would be reached if "we all were rich". Again, we tried the 'poor' Popular leader, and that experiment failed horribly.
I would ask simply this, when did like-ability take precedent over effectiveness? Apparently this works in some confused state, where being liked equates to success. Anyone who has run a business or worked hard in their life knows that being liked does not equal success; and as Obama has show, being 'liked' offers nothing. Presidents should look to history to be liked, not pushing policy to receive high ratings. America has turned its course into the perception that favorability equals productivity and in American politics, as in schools or parenting, being the 'nice' guy everyone likes does not dictate any level of success. http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/14/opinion/granderson-romney-likeability/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
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